Monday 16 June 2008


I reckon another couple of days of sunshine and I'll have my first strawberry ! If the birds don't beat me to it.

strawberries copy

The garlic has suddenly developed rust. I'm not too worried as it'll be harvested in a couple of weeks or so.

garlic copy

I pulled one, as I'm too impatient to wait, its a decent size, but I can't tell if its 'cloved' or not:

Garlic bulb copy

I enjoyed my first broadbeans tonight, they were yummy:

broadbeans copy

Here is my missing blackcurrant .. its been accidentally dug up a couple of times:

blackcurrant copy

My Vales Emerald Potatoes are just starting to flower. I'll give them another couple of weeks and then I'll start peeking:

ValesEmerald copy

Two of the courgettes plants have got baby courgettes appearing:

Courgette copy

I've got lots of lovely little parsley plants so at the weekend I'll plant them up:

Parsley copy

My first marigold is flowering:

Marigold copyL

Looks like one of my water lillies is about to flower - its my very first one, so I'm very excited. Its so long since I bought it I can't remember what colour it is, so it will be a surprise:

waterlillyflower copy

ah ha ! finally my tall, spikey, carnivorous (!) plant has turned into a teasel:
Teasel copy


  1. I'd just like to say I've had 5 strawberries already ;>)

  2. Wonderful photos! It's great to see what's happening in everyone else's gardens too!

  3. My garlic has gone rusty too, just like yours. Must be a Sheffield Phenomenon!
