Friday 9 May 2008

All present and correct Sir !

Oh, how smug do I feel ! Look at my beautiful peas - all three lines have germinated beautifully under my magic plastic tunnels. I am so pleased with myself :)

pEAS copy

The pea bed had buckwheat in it last year and I notice that a few plants have emerged, so I'll probably transplant them to the greenhouse to encourage the hover flies in:

Buckwheat copy

I finally spotted my first artichoke head making a very shy appearance:

First artichoke copy

These are the carrots from the brick bed that were planted at the end of the season last year. They differ in size quite a lot, but I'm very hopeful of a good crop ... I've had a peak at some and can definitely see some gold in the soil !

Carrots copy

Meanwhile, back in the carrot bath, I've got lots of lovely lines of carrot seedlings. I've labelled them this year, so at least I'll know what I've got and I've gone for traditional lines vs broadcast sowing. I have my fingers crossed for better results this season:

Carrots copy

My Vales Emerald Potatoes are just pushing through the soil ... I'll have to earth them up over the weekend.

Vales Emerald Potatoes copy

The bed of Rye is looking very good, I'm not really certain what to do with it now, so will probably just leave it until the seeds ripen:

Rye copy

I'm very pleased with the progress my tomatoes are making. Sadly after the incident with the naughty cat I don't know what variety half of them are ! Here is one of my Roma:

Roma Tomato copy

The Avalon Squash seedlings are looking nice and strong:
Avalon Squash copy

I've had excellent melon germination, although I've not quite decided where they will go yet - ideally I'd like to put them under glass ... hmm, wonder if my magic tunnels would be a good home for them over the summer.

Ken's gooseberries are looking as good as always, I really wish I liked them:

Gooseberry copy

The blueberry bush has sprung into life again:

blueberry copy

I took my camera down to the bottom of the lottie to try and get a photo of my lovely little vole residents, but they are far too quick for me. They are really enjoying living in the compost heap - I have some carrots to take up there tomorrow for them ... well, if you can't beat them ! Whilst mooching around I spotted an egg on the bark area - I think it is a Blackbird's egg, as it is 'duck egg' blue, with delicate mottling on it, in a soft brown. I wonder how it got there.

egg copy

This is my list for the weekend:
- Pot on courgettes / melons / beans / sunflowers
- Plant out sweetpeas
- Sow beetroot
- Plant potatoes
- Clear salad from greenhouse
- Stake peas
- Weed broadbean bed
- Weed rye bed
- Weed onion bed
- Clear weeds from bottom
- Weed raspberries
- Sow parsnips
- Sow salad
- Sow herbs
- Sow buckwheat
- Plant strawberries in greenhouse

OH's Jobs:
- Make fleece frame for carrots
- Stake apple tree
- Set up bean poles
- Set up sweetpea trellis
- Turn compost heap
- Add more woodchip to paths
- Collect broken glass from greenhouse
- Fit new panes ? (from the ‘lean-to’ greenhouse)

Just for Dug & Rob ... have you caught up yet ?

Strawberry copy


  1. Ouch! I have a few flowers now, but I'm enjoying my tulips still. Not to mention scoring massive brownie points with Mrs D ;>)

  2. Ah, your getting there... my leeks are out, sweetcorn going out next weekend, beans out, peas eaten by something! Parsnips through, carrots through, tomato's in flower, straws ditto, potato's pushing through and 90% of the allotment filled already! If I could find the charger for my camera I'd be able to update my Blog with some pics!!!!! :)
